Becky's Closet - New Arrivals

Happy Place Found!
I don't know if you know it yet, but pretty sure we just became best friends. Second Helpings is a plus size haven. We offer new and gently owned clothing ranging in sizes 12-32. That's right! It's an entire store with clothing that fits. No more slinking away to the rack hidden in the back. We pride ourselves in offering a safe shopping environment. So leave your body issues at the door - or not, you do you boo. You can love donuts and your body too.
If you need a dress for a wedding, a retail pick me up, or just a good giggle at whatever conversation owners Ashley and Sarah might be having, we are your place.
Why Let "Orange Bags" Win
Don't get us wrong, we also enjoy doom scrolling with point and click shopping. But there is something different about the community you get from stopping in store to shop.
Our Shop is located at 3211 S Carolyn Ave. It is one block east of I-29 just about to that dreadful dead end. Easiest way to get to us is, turn left (north) at McD's. Take another left (west) at the next stop light just past Savers. There will be only one block till you have to turn left again at the stop sign. Then keep driving till you can't because of the dead end. Yup we are right in that last strip mall by the foot doctor and Canicare.